Day 2 : Prop driven country side


I made pancakes in the skillet for breakfast, and then drove up the 'saddle road' to check out the windmill turbines again.

It started to rain just before I got up into the hills which is crappy timing. A huge 'high' has been sitting over NZ for more then a week. Up till now the weather has been sunny and dry.

Parked the camper, hopped on the bed in the back, and peered out of the moon-roof at the grey rotating shapes towering overhead, silhouetted against the cloudy sky, their outlines rippling though the rivulets of rain.

Cracked open the laptop and wrote blogs, while transferring movie files across to the laptop.

I discovered a cool little road driving back to Woodville, but didn't venture far along as the 'go juice' needle was bouncing off the bottom of the meter.

I'm finding that a full tank of gas to be really comforting. When one is travelling, one is never sure where the next petrol station will be.

There is also the feeling that with a full tank I can go any where.

Wow! rain is a prick when you're camping.

I got back to the camp site hot, and wet, and cranky.

Didn't intend to be back here at the Woodville site quite so soon, but it's been raining since morning and I wanted a shower and to make some dinner without the hassle of re-discovering the amenities.

I had a shower, locked my self away in the van, and watched a movie on the laptop. I have a small box that transmits audio from anything with an audio jack out into the immediate area. The cars radio can pick this weak signal up, so I have brilliant audio from the multitude of car speakers surrounding me.

Thanks the gods it stopped raining for a bit round 7:00pm and I got a chance to make some dinner.
The rain clouds look pretty awesome picked out by the setting sun.

Tonight I've discovered that Fajitas aren’t brilliant as a camping food.

I'm glad I'm alone in the site. I don't think that wearing a mixture of yoghurt, avocado, and meat juice is a good look. Especially as I'm pretty sure I have 'cranky bastard' written all over my face.

Map of Saddle road route

View Saddle road in a larger map


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