Day 5 : Where I discover that I'm not the only Ozzie in Fielding

Found a place to sleep for the night in a tiny parking area attached to Kitchener park. I'm right next to a road, but surrounded by tall tress and dense bush. The passing traffic drops off pretty quickly as the evening works it's way through to midnight.

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It's a quite a distance from town, but there is a interesting little country path that leads directly into the town center. 

Spent the day shcleping around the local area. 

Nice little scenic walks meander about the bush right next to where I've parked the van.
The elevated board-walks and the info plaques are a bit decrepit and could use some attention. Plenty of joggers bouncing around the paths. Seems like a lot of joggers don't venture out on weekends and holidays. Is it because they think of this exercise as work? 

I'm bashing out this blog and cutting up the dog video, while sitting at a gnarled old picnic table (picture of workstation). I can hear engines on race course buzzing off in the distance, like a swarm of angry hornets. 

Pancakes this morning were inedible due to heavy handedness with the salt. 

Discovered an interesting collection of birds locked away in a park. Mixture of Ozzie and NZ birds.
This parrot was grooming it's self and rubbing up against the log just like a cat

Pretty sure that this one was inspired by the great escape...


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