Gear what I am using : Nexus S as travel diary

September is 'gear' month on Yoomimoomi.

Nexus S

I really like the curves on this phone. Phones sculpted out of flat surfaces may well be better for slotting into docks and dashboards, but this thing spends most of it's time in my pocket.

Even the screen has a slight curve to it.

Google Keep

Currently my fav way of taking notes is Google Keep and the (recently released for every version of Android) skim-able keyboard.

The new keyboard input is brilliant and I find myself writing more.

The Keep App is currently pretty basic, and it is slowly growing features such as 'reminders' which were added last week.

It would be nice to have folders or some system for grouping notes. I also wish I could indent items in a list. Sliding an item left and right to promote, demote, and a touch to collapse groups.

During the day as I travel about I take photos with the phones camera, and jot down notes in Keep.

Next morning I load up LibreOffice Writer on my laptop, access Keep on the web, and copy across the text to LibreOffice.

What surprises me is the web interface for Google Keep.

It's pretty basic, and I thought that maybe there would be a Chrome extension that might add a tab to the side of the screen to give me constant access to my notes?

My Tracks

I use the My Tracks App to Geo-track my movements.

I've used it riding a bike track, trekking up mountains, and walking about towns. I like that I can 'pin' notes to the route.
I can export the recorded routes to Google, and attach Geo-tagged photos.

View Wanganui Meandering in a larger map


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