Timber Trail Center : Ongarue : Constructions

boards held down with ol-world square nails
There is a lot of building going on around the Timber Trail Center.

The site here has five buildings. A School house, the current Wwoofer residence, A tool shed, Pottery shed, and the church where I've been helping Steve finish off the stove installation.

We replaced a couple of singed floorboards sitting in front of a replacement wood burning stove and its flu.

This work has been instigated as the previous installation almost burned down the old church building. One night embers escaped the chimney and caught inside the ancient buildings roof.

All Wwoofer hands were required to douse the flames.

The new stove heats and we've cooked several things in it's oven.

Learning some great building tips such as reversing the blade in a circular saw and cutting through roofing steel.


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