Covid 19 : Day 19 of lock-down : Big wind and rain last night

Rain moved on but the wind decided it liked the town so much that it would hang around.
The sun has come out so everything is drying off really quickly.

This is the start of a pallet based table for the chair I built last week

I’ve started clearing the weeds off a wood pile that has been sitting at the bottom of the garden all summer. The bark has been sloughing off, and I’ve been peeling off the sections before storing the wood. Bugs love to live under the bark and I’m trying to reduce the amount of dust in the wood shed.

I’m leaving both the wood and the bark out in the rain to get cleaned off.


The huge winds we had today knocked the last of the passionfruit off the vines.

First pomegranate fruit!

One of the olive trees that I planted during the summer has some small fruit.

As I finish this post off this evening, the wind is still trying to rip the roof off the house.


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