Covid 19 : Day 25 of lock-down : Ranty McRant face
Sunday's blog is reserved for a bit of a rant so if you’re here for the gardening, maybe pop back tomorrow ;-)
The news is full of ‘economic depression’ predictions.
What bugs me about these ‘calls to reopen economies’ is that we are all going to be operating in isolation.
There is no point opening your economy if there is no one to buy your goods/services.
If Aotearoa came out of lock-down tomorrow, we still need export markets functioning.
We don’t have a large enough population to be self sustaining in anything other than electricity and food.
Travel is going to have to be local. there isn't going to be any international tourism for months, possibly years. Eventually there is probably going to be a coalition of ‘destination’ countries such as Singapore, Australia, and anybody else has managed to get the virus under control.
Here is the weekly Johns Hopkins map. It’s been updated to a new format with more detail.
I'm thinking that this will be the last time I post the map. I have really strong doubts that the Americans are quoting accurate numbers.
There are rumbles in British media about the stats their compiling, and it wouldn't surprise me there has been some cooking of the books in Oz.

The ‘zombie hoards’ have finally arrived. Not here, because we have a government that has been paying most people's wages for four weeks, and our healthcare system hasn’t been overwhelmed.
This is something exasperated by a broken social support system.
People are so desperate to keep working, that they are prepared to risk their health. Funny how the U.S. is so similar to third world countries in this regard.
Pretty funny that religious people who insist on having services aren’t prepared to play the odds. You’re god isn’t going anywhere so stay home for a bit.
This illustrates a problem I have with the ‘spiritually endowed’.
They are more interested in the afterlife than then the present life.
Or, are they terminally hooked on the dopamine high of the group experience?
Having the god botherers and the anti-vaxxers taking the virus less seriously might weed out the numbers a bit?
After the protests this week, maybe we can add rednecks to this group.
The news is full of ‘economic depression’ predictions.
What bugs me about these ‘calls to reopen economies’ is that we are all going to be operating in isolation.
There is no point opening your economy if there is no one to buy your goods/services.
If Aotearoa came out of lock-down tomorrow, we still need export markets functioning.
We don’t have a large enough population to be self sustaining in anything other than electricity and food.
Travel is going to have to be local. there isn't going to be any international tourism for months, possibly years. Eventually there is probably going to be a coalition of ‘destination’ countries such as Singapore, Australia, and anybody else has managed to get the virus under control.
Here is the weekly Johns Hopkins map. It’s been updated to a new format with more detail.
I'm thinking that this will be the last time I post the map. I have really strong doubts that the Americans are quoting accurate numbers.
There are rumbles in British media about the stats their compiling, and it wouldn't surprise me there has been some cooking of the books in Oz.
The ‘zombie hoards’ have finally arrived. Not here, because we have a government that has been paying most people's wages for four weeks, and our healthcare system hasn’t been overwhelmed.
This is something exasperated by a broken social support system.
People are so desperate to keep working, that they are prepared to risk their health. Funny how the U.S. is so similar to third world countries in this regard.
Pretty funny that religious people who insist on having services aren’t prepared to play the odds. You’re god isn’t going anywhere so stay home for a bit.
This illustrates a problem I have with the ‘spiritually endowed’.
They are more interested in the afterlife than then the present life.
Or, are they terminally hooked on the dopamine high of the group experience?
Having the god botherers and the anti-vaxxers taking the virus less seriously might weed out the numbers a bit?
After the protests this week, maybe we can add rednecks to this group.
Photo of the beach this afternoon.
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