Covid 19 : Day eight of lock-down : Week one?

The first week was always going to be the easiest.
So far, everyone on the street is really chilled and friendly. Weather has turned out fine and settled.
Neighbour wishes he could take his kayak out to go fishing. Water sports and hiking are discouraged during the lock-down. People might get into trouble, and that would expose rescuers to covid risks.
Weekends have pretty much disappeared.

I did some more work on the pallet chair today…

Being trapped in my garden during lockdown, has some pretty good monuments. It increases the chance of me discovering amazing things like this...

A praying mantis eating a bug.

People have been asking me if I'm okay, and do I have enough food stocks? I've been telling them I've got half a freezer full of meat so if the worst comes to the worse, I'll go Atkins for a month

Just realised that I”m running out of toothpaste. Sigh, I need to go and stand in the supermarket queue much sooner than I intended.

Now that I think about it, there are no weeks anymore, just weekends.


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