Covid 19 : Day nine of lock-down : The food issue

Used up the last of last year's tomato juice to make a spaghetti sauce.

My sauce uses three different ‘states’ of processed tomato (click to see how I process).

I cook up a batch with veg and meat, adding a packet of paste for that super concentrated punch. Then I add a jar of uncooked juice right at the end to give it a bit of fresh sparkle.

Roasting more grapes. When I open the door to the oven, a cloud of scalding steam billows out, filling the room with a hot grape perfume.

Still working out what to do with all this pulp, so I’m bunging it in the freezer.

Also roasting some locally grown macadamia nuts. Little pricks are hard to break out of their shells.

Roasting them up in the pan. I think I took them a bit too far



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