Covid 19 : Day eleven of lock-down : Just some thoughts

Lots of boy racers out last night. They were up early this morning too.
‘Worked’ engines dopperling all over the beachfront.

Items like the one below are another reason the world seems to be topsy turvy these days.
The Russians also sent the Amricans a plane full of gear during the week..
I remember a time back in the last century when it was the U.S. that was leaping in with aid. Yes it’s all about propaganda but it’s interesting how things have flipped about.

This is from my blog last Sunday...

And this is a snapshot from this evening...

Less new ‘hot spots’ in the second map, but much more coverage. Those pesky humans can’t stand still for a moment.
The Germans totally have their ‘shit together’. One of the planet's lowest counts, and they are importing French patents for care.

Interesting that Trump expects America's corporations to fix America's woes. He's so indignant that 3M is doing what they normally do. Sell a product that they have produced to anyone who has the dosh to buy it.
He probably feels that after handing out all those tax cuts, the least these businesses could do is to do the government's job for it.

I had a job here at the ranch that I’ve been procrastinating over all summer.
It involves fooling about on the roof so I want the weather to be dry and not a lot of wind.
Today thanks to the lock-down, I have no excuses.
Committed the whole day to this shitty job. Came down off the roof, dirty and cranky.

Spending a lot of time on FB, and I happen to have a few people in my stream from both the far Left, and the far Right.
I’ve noticed that their memes are really similar. Both feel an existential threat from a conspiracy.

Al Jazeera have dropped their hour long news update with sport. Now they produce just a half hour program.
Channel One here in Aotearoa is persisting with twenty minutes of sport related ‘nothing’ in their hour long program.

It’s evening now as I edit this ans someone has just started burling about somewhere in the town in their rod. I wonder if they are sitting in their car seat, revving up, swinging through corners, smoking up the straights, and imagining that they are ‘king of the roads’ out there on the empty streets?


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