Covid 19 : Day 32 of lock-down : The weekly decompression

I’m saving my rants up for this Sunday post. Come back tomorrow for more outdoors goodness.

I’m seeing a lot of anti vaxxers who swear that the covid numbers are being inflated. They reckon some doctors are being forced to record deaths as by the virus, rather than by whatever else killed them.
Indications seem to be that the opposite might be the case.
There are reports that some governments are not publishing all the covid case numbers. Deaths in old age care facilities for instance.

I was chatting to a mate in the supermarket this week and she works in a hospital here in Aotearoa..
They are seeing much less people the usual being admitted to intensive care, mainly as there are less car accidents.
And the special teams set up to treat covid cases also have plenty of time on their hands.
This ‘shut-down’ is saving lives left, right, and center.
One of the hillbillies on FB reckon gun crimes in the U.S. are also down???

No ones driving, so the oil price has tanked, so all the trouble makers in the middle east are running around in damage control mode, and don’t have time to fuck with other peoples biz.

Everyone keeps banging on about the economic impact of locking up their society. what about the economic impact of not shutting down the country?
For a start you're spending much much more on medical attention and the resources associated with it. All your emergency services are running full-tilt.
In New Zealand it's just the cops that are busy. Mainly with telling people to ‘don’t be a dick, and go home’.

I'm going to make another prediction for when international travel is allowed.
I reckon New Zealand's immigration numbers are going to take off ‘like a bastard’!
Everything Arden the Prime minister has done has promoted New Zealand in some way

Not just the Stephen Colbert Lord of the rings type fluff peice. During the response to the Christchurch shooting. She has demonstrated that New Zealand has a zero tolerance for ‘gun crazies’ and religious intolerance. New Zealand's response to this virus has pretty much got its name into most of the media outlets on the planet. New Zealand is portraying itself as a safe place.

New Zealand has huge emigration numbers of people looking to improve their quality of life. There are estimates of a million kiwis living OS. Something like 500,000 of that are living in Oz.

The immigration that we're going to see ‘post virus’, is people rich enough to import their quality of life. New Zealand already has a bit of a reputation as a billionaire's bolt hole.

The internet has pretty much destroyed the tyranny of distance, and there is a fucking big moat around this country.


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