Covid 19 : Day 22 of lock-down : Less baroque, more broke

Damn, I forgot my week count.
It's been three weeks since the lock-down was triggered.

The town is really quiet again. Much like it was on the first day.
My theory is that the police have started to crack down on people moving about.
Less hoons on the street?

I wonder if people are going to start treating the quiet as normal?
Will Venetians expect crystal blue canals?
Will the citizens of Wuhan be so taken with the fresh air, that they want to keep it?

Warm and muggy today.
We've had a string of sunny windless days. This lock-down pretty much happened at a perfect time of year. Autumn is not too hot, not too cold.
The weather predictions from the Met office have become really unreliable over the past couple of days. I’m wondering if there are less meteorologists on the job?

One of my neighbours is building a cage for his daughter's new pet guinea pig. The neighbour on the other side is building a bed for his daughter and a wardrobe for his wife.

Carved up the legs on the pallet table


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